Cruciferous Carrot Salad

Nutritional findings can be very conflicting and confusing and if you’re trying to eat healthier it can get a bit disheartening. Very simply, the most universal rule is to just eat a variety of foods, especially plant foods, in as close to their natural state as possible. Do this as often as possible, and you will probably be doing quite well. Salads with a range of different, colourful raw vegetables can be a great source of nutrients that can be eaten on their own or as a supplement to your regular meals. Continue Reading →

Persimmon Pomegranate Kale Salad

Persimmon Pomegranate Kale SaladPersimmons and pomegranates are vibrant, flavourful winter fruits. Persimmons are sort of similar in taste and texture to mangoes and when cut horizontally their star shaped interior presents nicely on a plate. Pomegranates are a bit more tricky to prep- the ruby red arils have to be removed from the skin and connecting pith. Once they are freed they are great sprinkled over salads and add in a nice crisp sweetness. Continue Reading →

Grilled Peach and Chicken Salad

Grilled Peach and Chicken SaladThere are a few tricks that can make salads delicious while keeping them healthy. Fresh, seasonal fruits add in some sweetness and juiciness, or in colder months dried fruits can be good too. Cheese or avocado adds in some creaminess and makes it more satiating and satisfying. Spice crusted meats and bacon (or roasted chickpeas for vegetarians) greatly increase the protein content and bulk up the salad. Bringing it all together with a fresh vinaigrette adds another layer of flavour but keeps it light. Continue Reading →

Greek Pasta Salad

Greek Pasta SaladI love a big bowl of Greek salad in the summer and adding some whole grain pasta and chickpeas bulks it up and transforms it into a filling meal. The fresh vegetables offer impressive ranges of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins while the pasta and chickpeas greatly increase the fiber and protein of the dish. Fresh food like this is what gives the Mediterranean Diet the fame it has in the nutritional world. Such fresh, vibrant, nutrient dense ingredients, with so little modification, are integral to keeping a strong cardiovascular system and maintaining a healthy body weight. Continue Reading →

Creamy Carrot Chickpea Cashew Salad

Creamy Carrot Chickpea Cashew SaladI love a creamy salad on a hot day and adding in heavier ingredients like carrots, legumes and nuts makes it into a fulling meal. I founds some purple carrots at a local market so I used those for a bit of a change from the regular orange ones. They are similar in flavour, but I do find them a bit earthier and less sweet. Nutritionally, they are comparably high in fiber and vitamins A and C but they have the addition of high levels of the antioxidant compound called anthocyanin, which are responsible for giving blueberries their deep hue. These antioxidants can be particularly helpful for fighting cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease, two worldwide leading causes of death, and for maintaining a strong nervous system, especially in keeping the brain sharp. Continue Reading →

Avocado Tuna Salad Stuffed Tomatoes

Avocado Tuna Salad Stuffed TomatoesTuna is such an easy and economical source of good protein and healthy fats, and it doesn’t need much to become a full meal. Here I added in some mayonnaise, a traditional ingredient in tuna salad, along with a small avocado to reduce the amount of mayo but not sacrifice the creaminess. The avocado adds in more healthy fats and fiber to make the dish extra filling. Then, a bit of dijon mustard, green onion and pickles add a lot of flavour without a lot of complication. Continue Reading →

Cherry Tomato, Cucumber and Chickpea Salad

Cherry Tomato, Cucumber and Chickpea SaladFor both omnivores and vegetarians alike, we can all benefit from consuming more legumes, or beans and lentils. Chickpeas have a subtler, nutty flavour so they’re a good option for those who are new to these foods or who don’t find them too appealing. Legumes are wonderful because they are high in fiber as well as protein so they help us to feel full and keep the digestive system working efficiently. However, when it comes to fiber it is best to adjust slowly and a salad like this with legumes and raw vegetables needs to be chewed well and portion controlled. Continue Reading →

Quinoa Greek Salad

Quinoa Greek SaladQuinoa is, like most whole grains, a great source of several minerals and B vitamins and fiber but what makes it special and unique is the type of protein it contains. Protein is made up of building blocks called amino acids and there are 8 which we must obtain through food (our bodies can make the other ones on their own as needed). I like to think of each as a different colour of lego and most plant foods are missing one or two colours. Quinoa, an ancient grain prized since ancient times is technically a seed and it contains all 8 amino acids needed- making it a “complete protein”. Continue Reading →

Thai Salad Stuffed Avocado

Thai Salad Stuffed AvocadoTopping a salad off with avocado always makes it better, flipping it around and using a whole half of the buttery fruit as a base to build upon is a good way to mix it up. When it comes to eating seasonally, a salad can be appropriate and satisfying even during the winter months if it has enough substance. Here, the avocado, brown rice and creamy peanut sauce add lots of fiber, complex carbs and healthy fats to weigh down the vegetables, but the Thai inspired flavours keep it light and refreshing. Continue Reading →