Roasted Chips

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter and gloomier it is natural for us to crave sweet, heavy and rich food. Root vegetables can fill this void well. They are comforting and grounding, with a natural subtle sweetness. Generally the fruits and leaves of trees are light and airy, they provide quick and easy but short-lasting energy. The root vegetables in contrast are heartier and tend to fill us up and bring us down, with a calming effect on our digestive systems and whole bodies. Basically any root vegetables from potatoes to yams to beets to turnips can be used and any spices can be tossed in. The trick is to make sure all the slices are around the same width so that they cook evenly. Generally around 1/8 of an inch is a good thickness and it is much easier to achieve uniformly if you use a mandolin or the wide slot on a cheese grater. I like to serve them with guacamole and/or hummus for some extra nutrients and to make them even more satiating.

Roasted Chips
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 6-8
  • 8 cups of finely sliced root vegetables (I used red and striped beets, carrots, yams and white and purple potatoes)
  • ¼ cup cold-pressed olive oil
  • Sea salt and pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 400°. Set up a big bowl with cold water and ice cubes and as you cut the vegetables place them in and leave them to sit for 10 minutes (this is the secret to make them crispy). If you are using beets or purple potatoes I recommend putting them in their own separate ice bath so their color doesn't bleed onto the other vegetables. Next, pat them dry and arrange the vegetable slices side by side on parchment lined baking sheets. Use a pastry brush to lightly brush oil onto each piece then sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper and place them in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove, flip them over and brush the second side with oil then sprinkle with salt and pepper and place back in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes. They are done when the edges start to brown or curl up slightly and the vegetables feel pretty sturdy when you pick them up, they shouldn't be too soft in the middle or floppy, if so they need a few extra minutes. Place them on paper towels to absorb any excess oil and as they cool they will get crispier.


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