Banana Sushi

These are nothing like regular sushi, no seaweed or raw fish for this recipe. All that is needed is a banana, some nut butter and a whole grain tortilla, additionally you can add in some small seeds and spices for extra healthy fats, protein and flavoring. The nut butter makes the tortilla stick together as you wrap it around the banana and then cut it into the separate pieces. Continue Reading →

Cranberry Walnut Granola

Granola is one of the easiest things to make and just a little bit goes a long way to dress up a bowl of oatmeal or plain yogurt. Artisan granola is quite expensive but if you buy the ingredients in bulk it can be a very cost effective homemade endeavor. The stars of this particular granola are walnuts and cranberries. Continue Reading →

Breakfast Tacos

Breakfast tacos are an easy, healthy and versatile option for anyone trying to cut down on their sugar consumption (even gourmet granola and other standard breakfast health foods can be full of added sugars). They are also a way to appeal to the crowd if you have a bunch of people with different tastes and appetites to feed. Generally, around 2 to 3 tacos per person is enough and the options are limitless. Continue Reading →

Cranberry Pumpkin Banana Bread Cookies

These cookies are lightly crisped on the outside but moist and gooey on the inside- just like banana bread. One of the main things I strive for in the kitchen is to get more vegetables and fruits into whatever I make. It is much more enjoyable than eating massive salads all the time and gives any dish significantly more vitamins and minerals. These cookies get a major health boost from apples, bananas, pumpkin and cranberries. Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Chai Smoothie

When it is cold outside it is good to eat warm foods, but the smoothie addicts out there can use warming spices to make cold smoothies a little more seasonally appropriate. Spices can be cooling or heating, affecting how we feel on a very subtle level but affecting our digestive function more noticeably.  Warming spices generally promote more efficient digestion and have a detoxifying effect. We want our digestion to move along fairly quickly, if food gets blocked up (many causes can attribute to this including too much acidity, not enough acidity, not chewing thoroughly enough and pancreas and/or liver overload) it can sit in our large intestine and start to ferment, in which case toxins can be released back into our blood stream and we can experience bloating and the socially awkward body’s warning sign of flatulence. Continue Reading →

Yam Breakfast Hash

Eggs make excellent binders, bringing together leftover bits and pieces and creating a whole new dish. Frittatas are a good example of how easy this can be, but so are breakfast hashes. Any kind of roasted vegetable and meat works well, but I like to make sure to have some potatoes or yams in there to make it extra filling. My brother dubbed these the perfect little brekkie bowls but they are good for any meal, any time of the day. Continue Reading →

Pesto Shrimp Frittata

Fresh herbs are an integral part of my kitchen arsenal. They add lots of flavor and like larger leafy greens such as lettuce and kale they are super foods full of vitamins and minerals. They can enhance any dish and rather than detracting from its healthiness they add to it. Moreover, they can make the ugliest dishes look presentable. Continue Reading →

Colorful Breakfast Frittata

Frittatas are a great way to use up any odd bits of vegetables and meats or cheeses laying around. They are also really cost effective, ridiculously easy to make and lighter and healthier than most other brunch dishes, without sacrificing taste or fillingness (I wasn’t sure if that’s a proper word but it’s in some online dictionaries so it’s definitely legit). Frittatas are like quiche without the crust or really thick omelets that don’t need to be flipped. Continue Reading →