Cranberry Pumpkin Banana Bread Cookies

These cookies are lightly crisped on the outside but moist and gooey on the inside- just like banana bread. One of the main things I strive for in the kitchen is to get more vegetables and fruits into whatever I make. It is much more enjoyable than eating massive salads all the time and gives any dish significantly more vitamins and minerals. These cookies get a major health boost from apples, bananas, pumpkin and cranberries. Continue Reading →

Hot Apple Cider

Like most of our beloved winter drinks apple cider is now conveniently available in packets that can be added to hot water for instant holiday cheer. If you have never tried a homemade version this stuff isn’t too bad (just don’t read the label to discover how many of the ingredients came from a science lab), but once you’ve had the real stuff it just doesn’t compare. The fresher the juice the more nutrients and flavor the drink will contain, if sweet apples were used then it will not even need any added sugars. Continue Reading →

Baked Baby Crab Cakes with Tzatziki

Miniature crab cakes are a good appetizer for seafood lovers. They are normally loaded down with mayonnaise and white bread crumbs then fried, making them much less healthy than they can be. These ingredients can be substituted for almond flour and a bunch of different fresh flavorings that accentuate the crab and add health supporting nutrients. Continue Reading →

Raw Chocolate Truffles

Cacao, a bean that comprises the base of chocolate, comes from a plant, but does that make it a health food? Like all other ingredients there can be a yes or no answer- it all depends on how it was produced, and if we’re getting really picky, on how it was grown (organic and fair trade are two labels to promise a higher quality product). Raw cacao itself is full of nutrients, especially antioxidants, the minerals copper, iron, manganese, and magnesium, several of the B vitamins and healthy fats. Continue Reading →

Roasted Chips

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter and gloomier it is natural for us to crave sweet, heavy and rich food. Root vegetables can fill this void well. They are comforting and grounding, with a natural subtle sweetness. Generally the fruits and leaves of trees are light and airy, they provide quick and easy but short-lasting energy. The root vegetables in contrast are heartier and tend to fill us up and bring us down, with a calming effect on our digestive systems and whole bodies. Continue Reading →

Deviled Eggs

Knowing what food to eat in what amounts can be pretty confusing on its own. Yet there is something else to consider- and that is the availability of nutrients in our food. Just because we eat something does not mean that our body can automatically use it. The nutrients have to be in a form that our body can easily recognize, break down and then incorporate. Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Oatmeal Muffins

I confess I am not much of a breakfast person and never have been. Yet there is too much evidence that proves the importance of an energy dense breakfast with carbohydrates, fats and protein to not give it some effort. A good meal in the morning is integral for fast and clear thinking, for keeping the metabolism in good working order and for replenishing energy stores in our muscles, keeping us ready for action. Continue Reading →