Spiced Apple Chips with Almond Yogurt Dip

Spiced Apple Chips with Almond Yogurt DipSlicing apples really thinly and baking them until they dry out and crisp up deepens their flavour and changes them up a bit. For anyone trying to eat clean or get more fruits and vegetables into their diet, cooking them in different ways can help keep things interesting. These are good on their own, or adding a yogurt and nut butter based dip makes them into a protein rich snack that’s easily portable. Making anything into chips, even something as healthy and common as apples, appeals to kids and picky eaters alike and it is the perfect munchy finger food for curling up inside by the fire. Continue Reading →

Apple Cinnamon Green Smoothie

Apple Cinnamon Green SmoothieAs the weather gets colder smoothies are not as ideal as they are during the summer but adding in lots of warming spices like cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg can remedy this and make them easier on our bodies. Protein powder, oats and almond butter also weigh it down a bit, making it very filling and nourishing. As the days get shorter and darker and temperatures drop it is natural to start craving heavier, fattier foods. While it is important to listen to our bodies and transition with the seasons, it is most beneficial if we go for nutrient dense, not just calorie dense, foods. Continue Reading →

Vanilla Maple Roasted Pears

Vanilla Maple Roasted PearsFall is heavily associated with pumpkins and apples but it is also pear season. Like apples, these fruits have a subtle, fresh flavour and light sweetness that really comes through when they are roasted. From there they can be eaten on their own or served over or alongside oatmeal, granola, yogurt, chopped nuts or ice cream, and they’re even good in salads or with roasted chicken or pork. Using fruit as the anchor of a dessert keeps it light and offers some extra nutrients over pastry or cream based options. Continue Reading →

Spanish Stuffed Peppers

Spanish Stuffed PeppersHalved mini bell peppers are excellent bases to stuff for two bite appetizers and snacks. They stay sturdy enough to hold heavier meat-based fillings, but once cooked they are tender enough to easily bite through. Their freshness and sweetness compliments richly flavoured chorizo but keeps the whole dish light. They are high in fiber, which makes them filling and helps the digestive process, as well as vitamin C, a nutrient necessary for strong immunity, wound healing and energy production. Continue Reading →

Strawberry Almond Milk

Strawberry Almond MilkHomemade almond milk has a fresh, light taste and a silky smooth consistency. It is not as stable as commercial versions- it only lasts for a few days and it doesn’t heat well for warm drinks like hot chocolate. That being said, its richer flavour makes it worth trying. Plus, there is an upside to its fragility- since it does not contain any of the stabilizers and preservatives that commercial versions do, it is a viable option for those with digestive issues and sensitive systems. Continue Reading →

Kale Chips

Kale ChipsThe unimaginable happened the other day when my dad asked for kale chips. His usual response to vegetables, especially leafy green ones, is to snub them or drench them in cheesy or creamy sauce. For him to request a vegetable dish is uncharacteristic, but for him to request kale, well I have a hard time believing I’m not dreaming. I made them several years ago at a family gathering in too hot of an oven and burned most of them so I was surprised that he remembered that and wanted more. They do still taste like kale but there is a richness from olive oil and then just salt or flavoured salt makes them that much more palatable. Continue Reading →

Vanilla Cardamom Roasted Fruit Salad

Vanilla Cardamom Roasted Fruit SaladA violent storm has just made its way through, the first one after months of nearly constant sun. It is still periodically pouring rain and a persistent wind has been whirling around and rattling what remains of the rose bushes outside my kitchen window. It’s feeling like fall has come but there was still a pile of perfectly ripened summer fruit on the counter so it seemed like the perfect scenario to try a roasted fruit salad. Continue Reading →

Chocolate Cherry Pecan Stacks

Chocolate Cherry Pecan StacksI started getting interested in nutrition around fifteen years ago and have been a pretty dedicated health freak for most of that time. I have found the secrets to keeping healthy eating desirable are trying out new foods to keep the monotony at bay, trying out different combinations and cooking techniques to not feel deprived, and indulging in the “naughty” foods I like, but combining them with some more nutrient dense ingredients. Chocolate for example, is a potent source of both caffeine and sugar, two stimulants that can easily throw off our bodies’ balance. Continue Reading →