Red Lentil Stew

 This is a hearty and grounding veggie stew with lots of warming spices that aid in digestion. Red lentils cook quickly and thicken up whatever liquid they are placed in, making them ideal for soups and stews. Nutritionally, they are high in magnesium and folate as well as fiber, which helps lower cholesterol and maintain a healthy digestive system.  Continue Reading →

Spring Stir Fry with Cauliflower Rice

This is a very light, vegetable centric dish that is both nourishing and easy to digest- perfect for a rainy fall day. Cauliflower rice is a large trend in the Paleo community, an eating regime that eschews all grains and legumes. Many people find that this tastes pretty comparable to the real thing, I wouldn’t necessarily go quite that far, it still tastes like cauliflower to me, but it is an interesting way to get more vegetables in. Continue Reading →

Spring Detox Salad

I have been getting lots of questions about detoxification lately. Technically our bodies are always detoxing but spring is a time when our we are naturally more inclined towards doing it consciously, so if you are feeling this urge you are probably very in touch with what your body needs, which is a great sign! There are countless trendy cleanses and detox programs out there but it does not have to be complicated or overly expensive. Continue Reading →

Vanilla Spiced Yogi Milk

This comforting drink is all about turmeric. It is a bright orange member of the ginger family and has commonly been nicknamed the poor man’s saffron. However, it should not to be underestimated-turmeric has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties and it helps increase bile flow, which makes it particularly helpful for digestive upset and recovering from illness or physical activity. Continue Reading →

Trail Mix Chocolate Bark

Trail Mix Chocolate BarkWhile dark chocolate has some nutritional benefits itself, it is more ideal if we eat it with some extra protein and fiber to offset the sugar rush that it also provides. This is an easy way to add in lots of nuts and seeds and some dried fruit to chocolate to give it that extra oopmh. I made it specifically because my mom and her friend are having some major chocolate cravings lately Continue Reading →

Mediterranean Salad

The Mediterranean diet attracts people from all over the world for its focus on simplicity and natural, nutrient rich ingredients. Some of the main components of this cuisine are whole grains, olives (and olive oil) and fresh produce, all of which contain phytonutrients (plant nutrients) that protect against cancer and atherosclerosis, as well as help maintain balanced blood sugar levels. Red wine on the side is optional. Continue Reading →

Pomegranate Avocado Kale Salad

This is a really easy and very healthy salad to throw together with antioxidant rich ingredients. Pomegranates also have high levels of folate, vitamin C and a flavor similar to cranberries, but sweeter and less tart. Kale is a hardy leafy green that can even survive frosts; it is a good source of several vitamins plus important minerals Continue Reading →