Pomegranate Avocado Kale Salad
Prep time
Cook time
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Serves: 1
  • ½ cup pomegranate arils (seeds)
  • 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 small avocado (or ½ of a large one)
  • 2 cups kale, destemmed and finely chopped
  • sea salt and pepper to taste
  1. Cut the outside of a pomegranate, just through the skin, into quadrants and pull apart slowly. Pull out the arils and discard the white membrane in between. They squirt bright red juice if the thin skin around the aril is broken so be careful not to do it too quickly. Any unused bits (just seeds or larger pieces with skin and connective membrane) can be refrigerated for a few days. Put the kale into a bowl and add in the avocado and vinegar, now massage it all together using your whole hand, until the kale softens up and everything is evenly distributed. Now add in the pomegranate and salt and pepper.
Recipe by Love from the Land at https://www.lovefromtheland.com/pomegranate-avocado-kale-salad/