Halibut en Papillote
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 1
  • 1 halibut fillet, around 4 ounces or the size of your palm
  • ½ cup thin green beans
  • ½ cup new or fingerling potatoes, sliced thinly (around ⅛ inch thickness)
  • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar (or white wine)
  • 1 teaspoon cold-pressed olive oil
  • 4-8 sprigs of fresh thyme (depending on preference, I used 8 because I really like thyme)
  • Sprinkle of sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper
  1. This recipe is just for one serving to keep it clear and easy to multiply but it is a good option for entertaining because the parcels can be prepared in advance and kept in the fridge for a few hours until guests arrive then baked fresh with little effort and very little clean up time.
  2. Preheat the oven to 400°. Take a large piece of parchment paper, fold it in half and cut from end to end making a semi-circle, when you unfold the paper it will be an even circle. Place the green beans then potatoes closely together on one side of the fold, in the middle. Add on half of the thyme then the halibut and spread the dijon over the halibut. Add on the rest of the thyme and then evenly sprinkle the vinegar, oil, salt and pepper over top. Seal in the edge by making tiny folds in the paper just outside the edge of the fish and vegetables then place it on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. If the halibut fillet is quite thick cook it for an extra 2-3 minutes. Serve on a plate and be careful when opening the paper because lots of steam will come out. Remove the thyme stems as eating, some of the leaves will come off but the stick parts are too fibrous to enjoy.
Recipe by Love from the Land at https://www.lovefromtheland.com/halibut-en-papillote/