How to turn a coconut into coconut milk
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 1 batch
  • water of 1 young Thai coconut (around 2 cups)
  • meat of 1 young Thai coconut (around 1 cup)
  • 1 cup hot water
  1. First you have to get the coconut open. If you have a machete then it will be easy, if not you will need a thick nail and good hammer. If the coconut is still in its packaging (it will not look like a coconut, but a light beige tiki hut with a point at the top), cut down the top until you see the top of the coconut. Make a few holes in the surface of the coconut and strain the water out into a bowl. Now you can make more holes with the nail and hammer until you weaken up a large enough part of the top to pull it off. Or you can just smash your hammer down until you make an opening wide enough to get a spoon in and scoop out the meat. This is my preferred method because it is more fun, but you will probably get some bits of the packaging so be sure to remove them. Blend altogether with the water and strain through a nutmilk bag or cheesecloth (see my contraption below). Store in the fridge for a couple days.
Recipe by Love from the Land at