Nourishing Buddha Bowl

This is a blue print of a well-rounded plant based meal that can give full nutritional support to vegans and vegetarians as well as major benefits to omnivores, especially those that do not regularly have vegetarian meals. Making big batches of millet (or brown rice or quinoa) and having cans of beans or lentils on hand can make this easy to throw together over a few consecutive days with some fresh vegetables. Continue Reading →

Merguez Portobello Mini Pizzas

Portobello mushrooms are hearty and dense enough to create a good base for mini pizzas and their rich earthy taste pairs well with lots of different stuffings. They are matured crimini (a.k.a. button) mushrooms, and they contain a range of vitamins and minerals (especially selenium, copper, potassium and phosphorus) and are very supportive for the health of white blood cells, and consequently a healthy immune system. Merguez is a long and thin lamb sausage, used in Moroccan and other Northern African cuisines, and is usually flavored with smokey cumin and spicy harissa. Continue Reading →

Lime Chicken with Fruit Salsa Feast

A meal like this provides a wide range of fruits and vegetables which guarantees a vast range of vitamins and minerals, plus lots of good carbohydrates for energy and fiber to keep things moving. The egg white glaze on the roasted yams along with the chicken both provide the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) that our bodies need to rebuild and maintain a healthy immune system. The avocado and olive oil provide a good but balanced level of healthy fats that are important for lustrous skin, hair and nails, as well as brain health and clear, efficient thinking. Continue Reading →

Quickie Bison Stir Fry

Bison is similar in taste and texture to beef. The way the animals are raised and fed leads to variances in their nutritional content but generally bison has less calories and saturated fat than beef, while being higher in iron and vitamin B-12, important nutrients for maintaining high energy levels. Bison cooks very fast, making it a good option for throwing a meal together quickly and easily. Continue Reading →

Easy Sausage and Vegetable Bake

This is the kind of dish I like to make when I am out of town and don’t have full access to my regular arsenal of flavorings and spices. Because there are so few ingredients the quality of the sausage makes a huge difference. I recommend getting one from a local butcher, they tend to be much higher in quality, way fresher and  with lots of interesting combinations, minus all the cheap fillers like soy, MSG and hydrogenated oils. Continue Reading →

Spring Prawn Salad with Mojito Dressing

As soon as the sun comes out I start dreaming of lazy afternoons on patios with friends and mojitos. It wasn’t that kind of day so I settled for a mojito inspired salad. Limes are very high in vitamin C, so much so that they were used to save British sailors, or “limeys” from scurvy. Like lemons they contain several other nutrients and are cleansing and detoxifying. Continue Reading →

Smoked Salmon Kamut Pasta

Here in the Pacific Northwest, smoked salmon is a regional delicacy. Cold smoked and served over bagels, bread or crackers with cream cheese is pretty common but I like the hot (temperature, not spiciness) smoked versions the best. The end product is denser and flakier, just like baked salmon but with a slight smokiness and firm crust around the top from the pre-smoking curing. All smoked fish and meats tend to have more added sodium than their fresh versions and the use of smoke makes them potentially carcinogenic in large quantities, so they are best saved for occasional indulgences. When I have no inspiration to cook, I like to find an ingredient that I don’t normally use or that I think is really special, like smoked salmon,  and build something around that. If it doesn’t work out that great then at least the process is fun.   Continue Reading →

Mediterranean Chicken and Yams

Skinless chicken is a great source of easily digestible protein (breasts are the cuts with the highest amount) but it can be tricky to cook- you need to make sure there is no pink left or salmonella is a real threat, but if cooked for too long it can get so dry because of its low fat content. Throwing it in the oven with some broth and extra vegetables is my favorite way to prepare it because you end up with a moist, flavorful dish that will not give anyone food poisoning.  Continue Reading →