Spring Stir Fry with Cauliflower Rice

This is a very light, vegetable centric dish that is both nourishing and easy to digest- perfect for a rainy fall day. Cauliflower rice is a large trend in the Paleo community, an eating regime that eschews all grains and legumes. Many people find that this tastes pretty comparable to the real thing, I wouldn’t necessarily go quite that far, it still tastes like cauliflower to me, but it is an interesting way to get more vegetables in. Continue Reading →

Spring Detox Salad

I have been getting lots of questions about detoxification lately. Technically our bodies are always detoxing but spring is a time when our we are naturally more inclined towards doing it consciously, so if you are feeling this urge you are probably very in touch with what your body needs, which is a great sign! There are countless trendy cleanses and detox programs out there but it does not have to be complicated or overly expensive. Continue Reading →

Vanilla Spiced Yogi Milk

This comforting drink is all about turmeric. It is a bright orange member of the ginger family and has commonly been nicknamed the poor man’s saffron. However, it should not to be underestimated-turmeric has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties and it helps increase bile flow, which makes it particularly helpful for digestive upset and recovering from illness or physical activity. Continue Reading →

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake Dip with Strawberries

This is easy to make and even easier to eat. A fruit centric dessert like this is generally lower in fat, has none of the processed white sugar, and offers many more nutrients and fiber than a more standard piece of cake. I used marscapone for the cheesecake effect, it is very a very light, soft and subtle Italian cheese, but regular cream cheese can work in its place. Continue Reading →

Creamy Potato Tuna Salad

Tuna is a great source of protein when there is not much time or desire for cooking, however it should not be consumed more than once or twice a week because tuna can accumulate mercury, a damaging heavy metal. Potatoes are one of, if not the most universal and widely consumed vegetables. They often get a bad rap for being a causal factor in weight gain, and when they are fried, this blame is warranted. However, they can be a low cost and very nourishing food. Continue Reading →

Spiced Chocolate Covered Dates

My old coworkes loved these so much that they equated them to a love potion in food form and nicknamed them “dates for dates”. They joked that they were so good that if you gifted some to a date they would fall instantly love with you. I didn’t make this recipe up, my friend Dubravka taught me how to make them and I think they have Middle Eastern origins. They are surprisingly filling and are the perfect couple bites for any sweet or chocolate cravings. Continue Reading →

Creamy Lemon Salad

My lovely father generally does not eat salads unless they are so drenched in salad dressing that you cannot see the vegetables. Either he was starving or he wasn’t wearing his glasses, but he tried this and to my delight he really enjoyed it. My secret to making creamy dressing that goes a long way is plain Greek yogurt, it lets the other flavors shine through while adding some protein and a slight tanginess. Continue Reading →

Zucchini Sausage Frittata

Frittatas are one of my brother’s new favorite to go lunches, and he is a very picky eater who would not normally willfully choose a food with this much green. He likes to take a quarter wrapped up in plastic wrap and eat it like pizza, and I definitely recommend it over dining hall processed pizza. This simple combination is mediterranean inspired with juicy zucchini, salty feta, earthy sun dried tomatoes and the richness of turkey sausages. Continue Reading →