Rainbow Fruit Salad with Hazelnut Yogurt

This is something that I like to have available as much as possible, in some variation. My brothers are uncharacteristically more inclined to go more for fruit than chips when such an easy option with no work required is available. Basically any fruit works together but melon does tend to be digested faster so it is more ideal to eat it on its own. Continue Reading →

Lime Chicken with Fruit Salsa Feast

A meal like this provides a wide range of fruits and vegetables which guarantees a vast range of vitamins and minerals, plus lots of good carbohydrates for energy and fiber to keep things moving. The egg white glaze on the roasted yams along with the chicken both provide the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) that our bodies need to rebuild and maintain a healthy immune system. The avocado and olive oil provide a good but balanced level of healthy fats that are important for lustrous skin, hair and nails, as well as brain health and clear, efficient thinking. Continue Reading →

Quickie Bison Stir Fry

Bison is similar in taste and texture to beef. The way the animals are raised and fed leads to variances in their nutritional content but generally bison has less calories and saturated fat than beef, while being higher in iron and vitamin B-12, important nutrients for maintaining high energy levels. Bison cooks very fast, making it a good option for throwing a meal together quickly and easily. Continue Reading →

Easy Sausage and Vegetable Bake

This is the kind of dish I like to make when I am out of town and don’t have full access to my regular arsenal of flavorings and spices. Because there are so few ingredients the quality of the sausage makes a huge difference. I recommend getting one from a local butcher, they tend to be much higher in quality, way fresher and  with lots of interesting combinations, minus all the cheap fillers like soy, MSG and hydrogenated oils. Continue Reading →

Marie’s Maple Parfait

My mom’s friend Marie is one of the best cooks I know, her food is always full of love and so creatively prepared. She makes this for us in the summer, a simple dessert from her Québécois background, with blueberries over vanilla yogurt drizzled with maple syrup. It is unbelievably good! I like to eat it on its own for snacks too so I add in some nuts and seeds to make it extra filling and increase the protein and fat content to balance out the sugar, keeping blood sugar levels from spiking too much. Continue Reading →

Chocolate Hemp Milkshake

This has the healthy ingredients of a smoothie but the thick creaminess of a chocolate milkshake. Hemp is a pretty amazing plant, every part of which can be used and transformed into textiles, soap, paper, plastic, paint and more. The seeds are anti-inflammatory nutritional powerhouses rich in magnesium, protein and essential healthy fats. Continue Reading →

Subtly Spiced Nut Clusters

Most portable and quick snacks are quite sweet, with lots of stabilizers, preservatives and refined sugars so I like to make something like this when I am really busy or going on a road trip or long flight. They have lots of healthy fat, protein and fiber to fill you up between meals and they will not lead to any sugar crashes. Baking nuts and seeds into clusters with egg whites as a binder makes them a little easier to eat with your hands because there are no little pieces to fish out of a bag- much more convenient when on the go. Continue Reading →

Super Green Smoothie

The first time I had a fresh green smoothie I could not believe how energized and alive I felt. Over the past few years and lots of kitchen fails I have learned some tricks to making them totally edible and even delicious. The first trick is to blend the greens with the liquid before putting all the other ingredients in, unless you have a Vitamix, putting everything in at once can make an end product with chunks of green leaves… gross. Continue Reading →