Tuna Avocado Cups

Avocados are technically fruits but they are more like nuts, being low in sugar and high in fat with a creamy texture and rich flavor. In many nutritional philosophies and general thinking there is the principal that like increases like, but this is not the case with certain dietary fats. Seemingly contradictorily, eating good quality fats in moderation does not increase body fat percentages, and it can even help the body to metabolize current excess fat stores, or burn fat. Continue Reading →

Mediterranean Chicken and Yams

Skinless chicken is a great source of easily digestible protein (breasts are the cuts with the highest amount) but it can be tricky to cook- you need to make sure there is no pink left or salmonella is a real threat, but if cooked for too long it can get so dry because of its low fat content. Throwing it in the oven with some broth and extra vegetables is my favorite way to prepare it because you end up with a moist, flavorful dish that will not give anyone food poisoning.  Continue Reading →

Spaghetti Squash with Meaty Tomato Sauce

Spaghetti squash is a pretty unique vegetable. Once it is cooked it comes apart into long strands that look like regular spaghetti noodles. Beyond the cool factor, this squash is rich in potassium and vitamins A and C. It has a fraction of the calories and carbohydrates (not that those should be avoided) of regular white flour pasta but more fiber, which helps it to be just as filling, minus the resulting sluggishness and food coma that processed flours can bring. Continue Reading →

Infused Water

Water makes up around 60% of our bodies and it is the primary component of our blood, sweat and tears as well as our lymphatic fluid, digestive juices and urine. It is involved in almost every single function our body performs and plays an integral role in digestion, absorption of nutrients, circulation and elimination of wastes. When we do not consume enough water we basically dry ourselves out, becoming dehydrated. Continue Reading →

Poached Salmon

Salmon, especially wild, is an incredibly nourishing food for us. It is high in essential omega 3 fatty acids- a type of fat that many of us in North America are deficient in. It is also a reliable source of the B vitamins (including hard to get B12), vitamin A, and several minerals, including energizing iron and magnesium and calcium, which have calming effects on our bodies. This is one of the quickest and most flavorful yet healthy ways of preparing it. Continue Reading →

Spring Stir Fry with Cauliflower Rice

This is a very light, vegetable centric dish that is both nourishing and easy to digest- perfect for a rainy fall day. Cauliflower rice is a large trend in the Paleo community, an eating regime that eschews all grains and legumes. Many people find that this tastes pretty comparable to the real thing, I wouldn’t necessarily go quite that far, it still tastes like cauliflower to me, but it is an interesting way to get more vegetables in. Continue Reading →

Vanilla Spiced Yogi Milk

This comforting drink is all about turmeric. It is a bright orange member of the ginger family and has commonly been nicknamed the poor man’s saffron. However, it should not to be underestimated-turmeric has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties and it helps increase bile flow, which makes it particularly helpful for digestive upset and recovering from illness or physical activity. Continue Reading →

Spiced Chocolate Covered Dates

My old coworkes loved these so much that they equated them to a love potion in food form and nicknamed them “dates for dates”. They joked that they were so good that if you gifted some to a date they would fall instantly love with you. I didn’t make this recipe up, my friend Dubravka taught me how to make them and I think they have Middle Eastern origins. They are surprisingly filling and are the perfect couple bites for any sweet or chocolate cravings. Continue Reading →